Monday, October 31, 2005

Weekend Warriors

One week later and another nice well hits...this one isn't nearly the swell event we got last week... last week was something like 14' @ 17 secs, this week I think the SF bouy maxed at 8' @ 16 secs... but plenty to get all the local spots producing well OH surf. After spending last weekend behind the camera, I was keen to get in the water and somehow convinced my beautiful and charming wife (are you reading this AP?) to shoot some footage. Of course just as Brando and I cleared the rock some fog rolled in and pretty much made it impossible to see how much we were killing it!!!! Well, sort of anyway. With the reduced swell, the rock was still in play (suprisingly so) and hassled everyone to varying degrees. In the first minute of the video Brando starts way right and gets swept quickly left... same thing happened to me. I know my day is coming when I'm going to be upclose and personal w/ the rock, just a matter of time. Sunday saw some very, very nice conditions at the local... featured riders this week include Denton, Rob, Jeff, James, and Rock-on Randy.


Anonymous said...

sic, sick, sich.

you are sure to win an oscar for this one. you and AP make an excellent team. this is great stuff!

note to audience: i was out with teeps in the fog and saw him slay a couple of dragons out there.

Anonymous said...

great thing is we are at the very BEGINNING of our surf season, best is yet to come!

next bump is due tomorrow PM and is supposed to have a little more staying power than the last few... should be good thru the week

Anonymous said...

Update... we have 9 confirmed now for Timor... there is a 10th bunk we could fill and it would lower everyone's cost. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

my view is that the bar should be fairly high for #10. Has to be easy going and a real addition to group chemistry. we have lots of time, so no need to rush.

Anonymous said...

all time last PM at the local... 5'@14 secs, playful and fun, fun, fun... whitecapped right now

agree on the 10th spot, need to find the right person... btw, our guy steve at waterways resigned so we have a new person on our acct. planning to engage w/ her to make sure nothing fell thru the cracks on the handover. expectation that working w/ waterways could be a little like working w/ local surf shop staff