Monday, May 24, 2010

Dad's Weekend

I had been trying to think of a way to show Ana how much I appreciate all she does around here, so a few months ago I offered to take the kids for an entire weekend by myself and she could go do whatever she wanted. Ana decided she wanted to go spend a weekend up in SF, so I made all the arrangements and it was set. We definitely missed having AP and Vovo here, but I have to say, I think I kept things 'operational' at a minimum and at times running pretty well. We took a trip to the toy store, hit the local playground, played in the backyard, and the highlight was a drive up to the redwood forrest. To be honest, it was a lot of work taking care of the kids and not letting the house fall apart... and to be sure it really gave me a new level of understanding for what it takes to run this place. Welcome home Ana, we missed you!


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

this is my favorite post ever. you're a good dad John. No one does parenting/house keeping like Ana. I'm totally impressed that you put yourself out there like that. Lucky Ana!

Unknown said...

John I wish you my dad

mrsjohn said...

his is my favorite post ever. you're a good dad John. No one does parenting/house keeping like Ana
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